Alternative Learning Center
Non-Punitive Alternative Learning Center System of Support
The Non-Punitive Alternative Learning Center System of Support is a center-wide management system for students in the Alternative Learning Center program. The system is designed based on sound empirical practices for students who display inappropriate social and behavioral problems that prevent them from meeting with success in the typical school setting. The system is based on a strong teaching model that holds as its central assumption the belief that most of our students who are placed at the Non-Punitive ALC System of Support do not possess the social or behavioral skills that would allow them to be successful in typical school settings. The system allows students to complete core classes in a smaller setting while providing opportunities to participate and complete career technical pathways to promote college and career readiness for all students. The system utilizes “Restorative Practices” as a means to afford opportunities for students to develop conflict resolution skills and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships. These practices are both proactive (building relationships and developing community) and reactive (repairing harm and restoring relationships) approaches. The Non-Punitive ALC System of Support operates under the premise that students and ALC staff are empowered to identify the root causes of behavioral infractions while using various strategies to satisfy the needs of all students.
Criteria for Acceptance to ALC Non-Punitive Program
Students must meet the criteria as prescribed to be admitted to the Alternative Learning Center Non-Punitive Program.
Student must not have
= been suspended more than twice within the school year.
= any referrals or charges of possession of drugs or alcohol.
= any referrals or charges of possession of weapon.
= an arrest record.
= any prior threats to any school board employees.
Students involved in altercations cannot simultaneously be in the program with the opposing student.
Daily Individual Goal Review Sessions
Staff members will lead a daily morning discussion of the student’s goal(s) for the day/week. Students will participate in daily character education exercises via video, conference, or counseling. The student will participate in share aloud, round table discussion activities and give examples about how he/she will meet the goals or what should happen if a problem arises involving his goal. As a restorative practice, the student(s) is allotted time to complete “Character Building Project”. Presentation will be determined upon arrival to base school.
Character Building Projects
Character Building Projects provide the student(s) learning opportunities to change behavior while constructing a project to demonstrate student’s restructured behavior while in the Alternative Learning Center Program. Student will brainstorm with instructor and/or other ALC personnel about behavior and project. The project should feature components which demonstrate acknowledgement of the actions that the student “should not have done”, “should have done”, “effects on others”, and “how to correct behavior.”
The project will be presented at the base school in the area or classroom in which the misbehavior took place.
Core Class Completion
Each student will be assigned a chromebook computer to complete all core classes assignments. Students are expected to complete assignments daily and not place their head on their assigned desk. All grades will be reported to that base school so that students may receive progress reports and record cards. Students may communicate with other students in the Non-Punitive ALC System of Support as cooperative learning environments; however, no one should waste time during core class completion time. Students on the non-punitive track may not have any communication with students on the punitive track of the Alternative Learning Center.
*Students may check-out a chromebook to take home to ensure the proper progress is made for success in all classes. Students will be held responsible for damaged or lost chromebook.
Career Coaching
Selma High School students will be allowed to attend career technical classes. The system will also provide career coaching to establish realization of career opportunities and goal setting. Selma City Schools Career Coach, Mrs. Maul will provide Kuder assessments for all students. After the acquirement of career interest, students will be expected to complete a written goal activity.
The Check in/check-out monitoring technique is used when a student is returned to their regular school setting. A transition meeting is held at the student’s home school prior to release. As a minimum the ALC Lead/Administrator, Behavioral Interventionist, the base school principal, the base school counselor, and one of the student’s teachers attend. Details of the transition are worked out during the meeting.
Exit Requirements
Students earn the privilege of returning to their regular campus only after successfully completing the six-week program and meeting all the following requirements. The student must:
a. Have served at least the minimum number of days required (six weeks).
b. Have satisfactorily completed all work assigned.
c. Leave their work station in order.
d. Have successfully demonstrated an understanding of the Character Education program and the positive character traits.
The number of days assigned may be lengthened by the Alternative Learning Center staff. The home campus will be notified of the date the student will return to that campus. The items listed below are the criteria used to determine an extended number of days at the Alternative Learning Center:
a. Attendance
b. Conduct
c. Academics
d. Dress code
e. Exceeding goals
Process for Transition
When a student is considered for transition back to the school setting, a team meeting is held. The student may also participate in a transition meeting with the student’s guardian(s), the receiving school’s school-based counselor/case manager, and the receiving teacher, a representative from the Special Education Office (if applicable), Behavior Interventionist, the Alternative Learning Center Lead/Administrator, and the receiving school’s principal or administrative designee. This meeting allows the student to familiarize himself with the policies of the receiving school and give all parties concerned an opportunity to interact and establish lines of communication. A review/revision of IEP and/or change of placement may also occur at this meeting if the child is part of the Special Education Program. Otherwise, a Transition Plan is developed at this meeting to guide the smooth transition of the student back into the home school setting. Details of the plan include check in/check out monitoring plan, transition treatment goals, RTI Plan, Behavior Plan, Success Plan, establishment of a career plan, the identity of the party responsible for plan implementation, review of program progress, and frequency of progress review meetings. All involved in the development of the plan sign the plan, and the next review meeting is scheduled for a month later.